
Where did Kuma send PX-1? What is his Future Role?


It has been almost three years since Kuma sent the Straw Hats flying off of Sabaody , but we never found out the fate of PX-1 the pacifista Kuma sent away during that time.
While many theorize that Kuma sent PX-1 to the Revolutionaries I have a different view.


Kuma had asked PX-1 to stop his attack and of course he obeyed…..For a while, not long after though the pacifista dismissed the order and was about to take out Usopp. This indicates that PX-1 disobeyed Kuma’s order and attacked on his own occurred. Pacifistas are programmed to obey the World Government and certain individuals such as Kuma and what PX-1 did went against his programming. Now of course Usopp is a pirate and pacifista are made to take pirates out but if you remember at the end of Marineford when the pacifista were ordered to stand down they obeyed 100%, they could have disregarded the order and continue their pursuit of the allied pirates but the pacifista did as told.

I think Kuma knew that the prototype pacifistas had some flaws and decided to take advantage of this thus sending PX-1 off to too learn more about being human and being free.


A free willed pacifista would be a major thorn in the World Government side. Imagine what the masses would think of the World Government if a pacifista (who are suppose to be under complete control of the World Government) was out doing what he wanted. I don’t think the people would have much faith in the World Government if they can’t even control their own robots.


I think that PX-1 will not only gain free will but he will become a leader and an influence to his fellow pacifista and that he will lead them to freedom with the possibility of joining up to help Monkey D. Dragon and the Revolutionaries.


*Theory by BKumafangirl67


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