So with Oden’s flashback, we also find out about Orochi’s own backstory, namely that he basically lived as a commoner before finding out about his heritage and then conspiring to take over Wano.

Which in my opinion makes his treatment of Wano’s populace even worse.

He isn’t like the Celestial Dragons or corrupt royals such as Wapol, born into a position of such privilege that he could never feasibly understand the plight of ordinary people.

Instead, he knows exactly what it is like to live at the bottom of the social hierarchy, but that doesn’t stop him from treating the common people like shit as soon as he is able to (including starving them/forcing them to eat defective Smile fruits).

It is said that to find out a person’s true value, you have to give them power. Orochi immediately abuses power as soon as he gets it, even when he knows that there is a different path that would benefit the people who are in the position he found himself in in the past far more. And I think that is what makes him such a particularly evil character.
*by StanggTwin