
Why Zoro is one of most heroic and selfless characters in the entire story!


Zoro has had to go through so much to get where he is. He has scars to prove his hardships to be at the top, but also earned through his response to fight for another’s sake.


Zoro’s noble nature has been what helped him make it as far as he has, and it served as a baseline philosophy when training under his master, Koshiro. It wasn’t something he had a firm grasp on at the time, being a naïve boy, but as he matured, he has instinctively represented that belief throughout his journey. Zoro started out a boy who fought to achieve his own dreams of cutting everything down until he’s at the top, into a man who fights to safeguard. When he joined Luffy, he became Luffy’s sword, and as Koshiro lectured, a true sword is something which cuts and shields what it wants. That has reached its apparent apex on Wano, where he battles to defend and liberate the whole country, whilst still looking out for his captain and everyone fighting alongside him. His predecessor Ryuma followed this path himself, and he died a man who fought for others.


As of most recently, Zoro took on what was arguably the strongest attack in the series. The fact he recognized it beforehand as an out of this world technique proves his actions weren’t based on blind foolishness, but a true act of bravery, for bravery is facing what you may not want to confront but doing so anyway, usually for a good reason. After it passes, Zoro pushes through his pain knowing his teammates, and the greater alliance still need him even if they themselves don’t ask for it.


A man with power, determination, pride and ambition, but the strength of character to put those aside for something more, or concentrate them for the benefit of others. He suffers so those around him don’t have to. In the mean time and moving forward, he’ll maintain his focus and relative solemnity, improving his craft and answering any call to action that comes his way. A watchful sentinel ever reliable, he is guided by the goal to protect.

*by KiriNigiri

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